Growing up I heard that when we get old, we will get sick and crippled. Today, I believe that if we fail at maintaining our physical, mental, and oral health these debilitating things will happen. So often being old has been the explanation to many ailments and conditions. It's like saying, "We don't know, let's just blame old age." Since...

Contemplations of a dental hygienist
Tonsil stones aka Throat Boogers... Eww What???
Have you noticed how your gums bleed more when you are close to your cycle or pregnant? Are you a teen going through puberty and noticed increased bleeding in your gums? Or did diabetes cause you to lose some or all your teeth? Have you heard of being pregnant and your baby leaching calcium from your teeth and how it increases cavities?...
Premade OTC Natural Toothpastes
Don't feel like making toothpaste at home?
Is my Toothbrush Supposed to Look Like That?
Have you seen your toothbrush look like the one on the right?
What is Oil Pulling and its Benefits?
Oil pulling is an ancient procedure from a traditional medicine system in India called Auyreveda.
Recipes for Toothpaste and Mouth rinse