Contemplations of a dental hygienist

When someone has dry mouth or xerostomia, there is a reduced flow of saliva. Dry mouth can be caused by medications such as antihistamines, high blood pressure meds, anxiety or antidepressants, mouth breathing, use of CPAP devices, radiation to the head/neck or conditions like Sjogren's syndrome. Dry mouth can be uncomfortable and cause damage to...

Simply put there's a war going on. Your body vs bacteria. Not just any bacteria, but one type called anaerobic bacteria. This is the type of bacteria that cause a lot of problems in our health. They cannot survive where oxygen is present. Where there's movement and light, there is oxygen. They hide in the slits between your gums and...

Why do I use peroxide and baking soda?
I thought about what I was putting into and onto my body after getting very sick when I was 34 years old. I was extremely stressed, throwing up regularly, having lots of stomach issues and my skin erupted into eczema they called it. I had patches of oozing, weeping sores...